• Misspelling Common Words

    Spelling words correctly is crucial in English. It helps in clear communication. However, some words often trip us up. Here’s a guide to those tricky words and some tips to remember their correct spellings. Why Spelling Matters: Clear Communication: When we spell words right, our message is clearer. People don’t get stuck on our mistakes.…

  • Using Non-Native-Speaker Grammar Patterns

    When we learn English, sometimes we use the rules from our own language by mistake. This can make our English sound a bit strange. Let’s learn more about this and how to avoid it. What’s the Issue? Using Our Language’s Rules in English: This happens when we use the rules of our language in English.…

  • Making Subject-Verb Agreement Errors

    At the heart of a clear and grammatically correct sentence lies the harmony between the subject and its verb. This relationship, termed subject-verb agreement, often poses challenges for English learners. Let’s dissect this crucial grammar rule. Decoding Subject-Verb Agreement: The Fundamental Rule: If a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular. If plural,…

  • Using the Wrong Prepositions

    Prepositions are the small words that pack a punch in the English language. While they might seem insignificant, using the wrong one can change the meaning of your sentence entirely. Let’s delve into the complexities of prepositions and the common mistakes non-native speakers make. Unpacking Prepositions: What are Prepositions? They are words that link nouns,…

  • Mixing Up the Past and Present Perfect Tenses

    Telling a story often requires talking about events from different times. This is where tenses play a pivotal role. Two commonly confused tenses in English are the past perfect and present perfect. Let’s unravel them. Understanding the Basics: Past Perfect: Present Perfect: Roots of the Confusion: Distinguishing Them: Time-specific vs. Time-unspecific: Completed vs. Ongoing Relevance:…